Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day 5 Milwaukee, WI to Lacross, WI

Distance 266 miles
From the eastern border of Wisconsin (Lake Michigan) to the western border (Mississippi River)

I noticed when I was driving through Chicago that my chain was so loose that it was rubbing against my tire every time I would turn one direction.... It was literally eating up the side of my tire. So before I left the Milwukee area I found a bike shop to fix the problem... All they had to do was extend my axle back (the axle is what holds the wheel/tire to the bike)...

After being stuck at the bike shop until about 1ish I hit the road and decided I should go through the Madison Wisconsin, the capital. On the way to Madison was a lot more farm land mainly corn, dairy farms, and wind turbines (giant fan looking structures that use the wind to make electricity).
To get to Madison I got off of  I-90 and got onto the state route SR-151 and then on SR-10. SR-151 was like driving on Daniel Webster highway (Pheasant Lane mall road at Christmas time... I swear I had to stop at every light and there were probably 20+ lights to get to Madison... The whole time I could see the giant state capital building, which is the tallest in the country.

I left Madison on SR-10 and drove towards Sauk City, WI. The majority of the ride was past farm land, mainly corn again..The terrain is rolling, no mountains around but definitely a bunch of rolling hills, and windy roads. By the time I hit Sauk City I was starving.. I prefer to stop at family run small restaurants... Why eat at a chain if I don't have too.. and thankfully I stopped here @ Turn It Luce because this is where I met Bob & Mary & i had fried cheddar cheese curds (basically taste like mozzarelle sticks but better)

Since I'm dressed like an astronaut I am a walking conversation piece.. It doesn't take long for people to realize I am not from around here.. Between my accent (I don't think I have one) and the camera strapped to my helmet I stick out like a sore thumb. Bob  & Mary gave me some great suggestions on roads to take and things to see.. Like taking the car ferry across Lake Wisconsin... and when I get to Lacrosse my end point for the evening he told me I had to get to Old Grandad Bluff which overlooks the Lacross, WI and the mighty Mississippi River.

So I took the ferry which was pretty awesome to be on and then rode through a bunch of farmland to meet up with Kelly who was camping out in Lodi, Wi. Said goodby and rode off through a ton of farmland to get back to I-90 westbound for Lacross, WI.
Thanks for the free ride! Crossed Lake Wisconsin on the ferry.

On the way to Lacross I passed the Wisconsin Dells which is mile after mile of indoor and outdoor waterparks.. I believe someone said there are over 60 in the Dells area.. I must have seen atleast 10-15 right from the highway alone.. but before and after the Dells I rode past farmland after farmland. Luckily the terrain isn't completely flat here like in parts of Indiana.

By the time I hit Lacross it was almost 12 at night.. Once again riding in the dark stinks.. Stopped to get food and went on to find my hotel for the night. I learned early on to not book my hotel to early in case I didn't make it far enough and so I could make sure it was close to things I wanted to possibly see in the morning.

In the Morning I took Bob & Mary's suggestion ( Thank you both for the awesome conversation, suggestions & the map of Wisconsin). Old Grandad Bluff was awesome plus there was an awesome hidden gem of a reastaurant 3/4's of the way up the bluff.
Overlooking Lacross, WI and the Mississippi is in the background before the hills

Gotta Represent...

On the way down the bluff I stopped at the Alpine Inn Grill
for some food & refreshments..

Homemade Chicken Cordon Blue Niggets (filled with ham and cheese) :) 

I love Chicken Cordon Blue so I couldn't help myself

Off to Sioux City, Iowa now and once again I am not leaving town till after noon.. Gonna be a long drive again probably at night...